Our mission is to build healthy society, strong nation and divine world by inspiring and educating mothers to evolve at their best extents to get physically, emotionally, intellectually & spiritually healthy child through Garbhsanskar
We wish to be a part of creating healthy society, strong nation and divine world by cultivating organic and divine child through Garbhsanskar.Our mission is to build healthy society, strong nation and divine world by inspiring and educating mothers to evolve at their best extents to get physically, emotionally, intellectually & spiritually healthy child through Garbhsanskar
Mommy’s touch is the center to provide scientific and authentic information of Garbhsanskar. GarbhSanskar is the golden key to create a healthy society. We began our journey in 2005.
More than 1 Lakh mothers in all over Gujarat, out of Gujarat and overseas have been the part of Mommy’s Touch family up till now and been guided to get healthy and divine children by various means like GarbhSanskar Training Program, Pre-natal education, Workshops Seminars, Awareness Programs etc.
Teaching everything to the Mommy is not sufficient. For developing a healthy child & society, off course guidance to the society & the new generation is also important. We conduct programs for the family members of the Mommys like Sasusabha & husband-wife programs as they also play the significant role in a child’s character building. Enlightenment of the whole society & social awareness is very important.
“We can improve the future in the present which starts right now,
Right from the womb to social awareness resulting in a great nation & a beautiful world.”