We have developed a library for the mothers where we guide them with relevant books to be read as per their running month. The mothers can get issued a library card and enjoy and read various types of books.
Reading modulates our thoughts and for pregnant mother, her thoughts directly affect the baby’s state of mind and learning. Mother should invest sufficient time for reading good books during her nine months. Type of books varies for pre-pregnant mothers during the days of planning and during each trimester of pregnancy.
Pre-pregnancy:Planning parents should read books related to Garbh Sanskar and self development
First trimester:We suggest reading autobiographies of great personalities which will help her to invest her mind in thinking of good qualities of great personalities
Second trimester:Veer Ras, Saundarya Ras, Adbhut Ras to implant the nature of courage, beauty and appreciation in her child
Last trimester:Intellectual stories will help to boost brighter brain development of the baby.
Parenting: Parenting is continuous learning process. Parents should engage themselves with good parenting books. It will guide you for healthy parenting and child upbringing.
Pre-pregnancy:Planning parents should read books related to Garbh Sanskar and self development
First trimester:We suggest reading autobiographies of great personalities which will help her to invest her mind in thinking of good qualities of great personalities
Second trimester:Veer Ras, Saundarya Ras, Adbhut Ras to implant the nature of courage, beauty and appreciation in her child
Last trimester:Intellectual stories will help to boost brighter brain development of the baby.
Parenting: Parenting is continuous learning process. Parents should engage themselves with good parenting books. It will guide you for healthy parenting and child upbringing.